022 67221526
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) was established in April 1990 under an Act of Indian Parliament as a wholly owned subsidiary of Industrial Development Bank of India. SIDBI has since completed 8 years of service to the small-scale sector. Principal Development Financial Institution for:
Development of Industries in the small scale sector and
Co-ordinating the functions of other institutions engaged in similar activities.
The entire issued capital of Rs.450 crore has been divided into 45 crore shares of Rs.10 each. Of the total Rs.450 crore subscribed by IDBI, while setting up of SIDBI, 19.21% has been retained by it and balance 80.79% has been transferred / divested in favour of banks / institutions / insurance companies owned and controlled by the Central Government.
Objectives of SIDBI
Mandatory Objectives
Four basic objectives are set out in the SIDBI Charter. They are:
For orderly growth of industry in the small-scale sector. The Charter has provided SIDBI considerable flexibility in adopting appropriate operational strategies to meet these objectives. The activities of SIDBI, as they have evolved over the period of time, now meet almost all the requirements of small scale industries which fall into a wide spectrum constituting modern and technologically superior units at one end and traditional units at the other.
Other objectives
To empower the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector with a view to contributing to the process of economic growth, employment generation and balanced regional development
To emerge as a single window for meeting the financial and developmental needs of the MSME sector to make it strong, vibrant and globally competitive, to position SIDBI Brand as the preferred and customer - friendly institution and for enhancement of share - holder wealth and highest corporate values through modern technology platform.
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